Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve

Went there for the first time today.  It's in Imperial Beach - South of San Diego almost on the US/Mexico border.  There are quite a few nice trails to walk and a good variety of birds.  Highlights of today were a breeding pair of Northern Harrier's constantly hovering around the scrub, and a glimpse of a (endangered) light-footed clapper rail (Jindi spotted it in some moving grass.) There was also a rabbit about the size of a horse (exaggerating a LITTLE.)
Here are some photos of the view:

Here's some of the local wildlife including:  Anna's Hummingbird, a rabbit,  Little Blue Heron, bobcat (lynx rufus) and an unidentified hummingbird,

and here's some of the native plantlife:
pickleweed, orchid, blooming sand verbena and common sage

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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